List lagu yang sering diplay dalam program sport7

Di bawah ini ada beberapa urutan dari lagu2 yang sering atau pernah di play dalam program SPORT 7.
Barangkali ada sobat yang lagi nyari judul lagu2 tersebut.
& Jika sobat mau menambahkan, silahkan di tulis.

1. Faber drive - Summer fades to fall & Second chance

2. Ace of base - It's a beautiful life

3. Yellow Card - Shrink the world, & Keeper

4. The script - The man who cant be moved, Before the worst, & You wont feel a thing

5. All time low - Weightless

6. Muse - Time is running out

7. Oasis - Let there be love

8. Rhcp - Give it away

9. Spin doctors - Two princess
(Rubrik News flash 2011)

10. Sum 41 - Underclass hero

11. The ataris - The boy of summer

12. 30 second to mars - The kill

13. The temper traps - Sweet disposition

14. Paramore - Careful

15. Melee - Built to last

16. Relient k - Falling out

17. Keane - Everybody's changing

18. Blink 182 - Happy day, & All the small things

19. Coldplay - Speed of sound & viva la vida (tahun 2008)

20. Maroon 5 - Nothing last forever, & She will be loved(tahun 2009)

21. The all american rejects - Swing swing

22. Megadeth - Hangar 18

23. Joe satriani - Summer song

24. Greenday - Basket case

25. Good charlote - I just wanna say

26. Fort minor - Believe me

27. Dream theater - Pull me under, & Another day

28. Dragon force - Trough the fire and flames

29. Creed - Stand here with me

30. Black eyed peas - Where is the love

31. Linkin park - Numb, From in side, & Breaking habbit

32 . Linkin park - Waiting for the end

33. Chumbawamba - I get knocked down (Rubrik News flash 2012)

Cukup segitu aja dulu sobat...

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